Aceitunero: El verdeo
Verdeo, this term that may sound unknown to many, is the beginning of the process that takes our olives from the olive groves to your table or the bar counter.
When the olive is in a state prior to complete maturation, in the months of October and November, it begins to be harvested for the production of table olives. For the collection of the olive to extract the liquid gold that will become Aove, this process can be extended until the month of February.
This harvesting process has come a long way over the years, and technology has made a thousand-year-old task easier and more efficient. Gone is the time when olives were picked by hand from the trees, which was known as milking, while the women picked the olives from the ground one by one and the men shook the treetops. Later, this beating was improved by placing tarpaulins on the ground that facilitated collection.
The terms sweeper, blower, comb or vibrating arm refer to sophisticated machines that make life easier for farmers and collectors. With them, dropping, sifting and collecting is a much simpler but equally demanding task so that the product retains its qualities and quality.
The olive is a unique product, appreciated all over the world and with countless culinary and pharmaceutical applications… and with a marked social character. It is a main ingredient of Mediterranean gastronomy and a healthy, nutritious and great-tasting resource to accompany our dishes and snacks.
Now that you know something more about greening, the world of olives is full of curiosities and ancient traditions, and at Aceitunas Zambudio we tell you everything so that you can enjoy them.